Red-tailed Hawk cooling off at the pool

So it figures that the ONE day I don't have my camera/smart phone with me, I see something amazing that I wish I caught on camera. Doug and I went to the neighborhood pool this afternoon to splash around in the 107 degree heat. Apparently we weren't the only ones who had that idea, because when we opened the pool gate, we came across one slightly soggy juvenile red-tailed hawk who had been splashing around in the shallow water.

It was panting from the heat. (All birds pant to keep cool since they don't have sweat glands.) He didn't fly away frightened, and his lack of fear was another sign that he wasn't a full grown hawk. Well, that and the stubby feathers sticking out on the top of his head.

I got within two feet of him, and for 10 minutes or more he let me splash him lightly with water spreading out his wings to let more of his body receive the cooling water spray and gulping water when some of it landed in his panting beak. He hung around the whole time we were there. I drove back over with my camera later, but he and mama were already soaring overhead. A VERY cool afternoon!

Copyright © Deborah A. Ayers - All rights reserved.


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