
Showing posts from 2021

Creation Story, Chaos Theory and Quantum Memory mural

What you should know about inflation. Hint: It’s NOT rising prices.

Blue Oyster Cult mural

Tucson Mural

Saguaros are the heart of Tucson

Loft Cinema mural

Desert Soul


Samantha Silverman - Danny Martin



Toby the Griffin

Patagonia State Park

Fiery Skipper butterfly - (Hylephila phyleus)

Wright's Buckwheat/Shrubby Buckwheat - (Eriogonum wrightii)

Ambrosia confertiflora - Weakleaf Burr Ragweed

Four-spotted Skipperling - (Purina polingii)

Pale Beauty moth - (Campaea perlata)

Puddles the Great Plains Toad

The First Sighting

Eufala Skipper butterfly - (Lerodea eufala)

Hawaiian Beet Webworm moth - (Spoladea recurvalis)

Arizona Powdered Skipper butterfly - (Systasea zampa)